Thursday, December 18, 2008

Snow Day!

Aaron and I woke up at 5:30 a.m this morning to find out that school had been cancelled due to the amount of snow.  Although I was sad to miss our Kindergarten Christmas concert tonight, it was a fun surprise knowing that we have not only today off but tomorrow as well.  This is a record breaking snowfall... we already have at least 2 feet of snow at our apartment.  After an hour of shoveling my car out of 2 feet of snow, Aaron and I challenged the snow and headed to Red Robin for lunch.  It is definitely going to be a white Christmas, but we are on our way through Ellensburg to Seattle tomorrow morning. :) Happy Snow Day!  (these pictures are taken with our new camera that we are so excited about... still getting use to using it!).

1 comment:

Tracy said...

It was so great to see you guys and get to hang out! I hope you were eventually able to make it to Cali:) By the way, the pics with the new camera look great...can't wait to see more soon! Bless you two!