Sunday, December 14, 2008

"We Wish You A Merry Christmas"

Last week I had the cutest Kindergarten comment.  After spending many days laughing about it, I decided I must share for all of you to get a laugh out of your day as well.  Anyways, while all of my kiddos were busy at work last week, I decided to play some of our Christmas songs over the CD player since we are preparing for a Christmas concert this coming Thursday.  With the music quietly playing, I overhead one of my little girls singing a different Christmas song than the one playing.  So, I walked by to hear what she was saying and I overheard the song "We Wish You A Merry Christmas".  It wasn't until she came across one of the verses and this is what I heard... "so bring us some frickin' pudding, so bring us some frickin' pudding". HA HA HA!!  While trying to hide my ridiculous laugh that was going on inside, I nicely said "Aysha, the words are so bring us some figgy pudding".  After trying to adjust her words in the song, minutes later it was "frickin' pudding" again.  What a great moment that I will remember every holiday season! :)


The Johnsons said...

HAAAA! How am I going to keep a straight face during this song at our concert tomorrow night?!

leahandtravishartanov said...

Ha. I love it. That's hilarious. Congrats on the snow days. Have a very Merry Christmas! Tell that husband of yours hello as well.