Friday, September 4, 2009

Rejoicing in Heaven!

After a year long battle with lymphoma, Aaron's mom went to be with Jesus a little over a week ago. We were blessed to be able to spend her last week with her, and were thankful that our school schedule allowed for us to spend two weeks with Aaron's dad. It is still very surreal knowing that we will not see her until we meet her in heaven, but it is such a sense of peace knowing that she is with Jesus. Thank you to everyone for your continued prayers and support through the year.


Tracy said...

Bonnie & Aaron~ we have been thinking and praying for you these past few weeks. I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your mom and we will continue to pray for you two and your family. We love you guys and miss you...God Bless!
Tyson & Tracy

Haiti Ladies said...

Love your memorial blog, Bon, and loved your precious mother-in-law!! The picture of Aaron and Jane is the best, and I can't help but think of him dancing with his mom at your wedding reception. Another favorite memory for me is when the six of us prayed together at Hayden Lake the Monday before your wedding. Such sweet memories! Thank you God for sharing Jane with our family!

Emilie said...

Our continued thoughts and prayers are with you!