Thursday, May 21, 2009

A Little Nephew Time

This past weekend I had the joy of spending some time with my two adorable nephews and my brother Ryan!!  It's hard living so far away, but such a blessing when I get to spend time with them.  They have grown so much since the last time I saw them.  Seth is saying so many words and is full of energy.  Dylan is becoming such a stellar student and still enjoys snuggling.  It was so fun watching and listening to Seth and all of his big words that he is saying.  He is finally talking and its so fun to listen to what he has to say.   A few cute things he says are "Bon" for Aunt Bonnie, "not nice", "me go airplane too", "me tired", and "banjo" for Grandma Jo.

1 comment:

Kelsey Eberth said...

So fun!!!! And WAY too cute! I can't wait to see you tomorrow!!! I love you...AND your blog :-)